What is new in 5.0

  1. Now you can save your dev and build choices.

  2. Zips are now saved in the parent directory.

  3. Build Template now has filter options.

Updating on existing projects.

// change 2 commands in your package.json to this.
   "scripts": {
     "dev": "rds-dev",
     "build": "rds-build"

How to save dev and build your choices?

// run 
npm run dev

// or
npm run build

Code will run, and will show the following choices.

i Searching for configs
 Found 2 config(s)
 Taking a look if it has Spreadsheets
 Detecting spreadsheet in ./preview/300x250/.richmediarc
 adding 6 items for development
? Please select config(s) build: (Press <space> to select, <a> to toggle all, <i> to invert selection)
❯◯ all

You choose the one's you want to build.

i Searching for configs
✔ Found 2 config(s)
✔ Taking a look if it has Spreadsheets
✔ Detecting spreadsheet in ./preview/300x250/.richmediarc
✔ adding 6 items for development
? Please select config(s) build: 
 ◯ all
 ◉ ./preview/300x250/.richmediarc.row_0
 ◉ ./preview/300x250/.richmediarc.row_1
❯◉ ./preview/300x250/.richmediarc.row_2

Then you get the question. And answer yes,

? save this as a separate command in package.json Yes
? please provide a name for your command. You will type something like npm run dev:__NAME__
No special chars, spaces, dashes just a single word. 

System will ask you for a name to save in to the package.json, for the example we choose "rows"

? please provide a name for your command. You will type something like npm run dev:__NAME__
No special chars, spaces, dashes just a single word. rows
i saved choice in package.json. 
  Can now repeat choices with "npm run dev:rows"
i Server running. Please go to http://localhost:8000

Now when you run

npm run dev:rows

You wont get any more questions and it will start the server automatically. Same for build.

Zips are now stored in the parent directory.

Last updated